Thursday, September 26, 2013

{Queen Creek Family Photographer} Robles Family Photoshoot

Remember this photoshoot in which I explained that my favorite field got plowed? Well this was the sweet family that went to the AMAZING location, only for us to realize that it had been plowed and was not so pretty anymore. Luckily I always have a backup location so we went around the block to my second favorite field in Queen Creek for this beautiful family's portrait photoshoot. Maybe its because I, as a mother of two wild boys, am used to having to do everything short of wrestling a kid to get them to sit still for a photo, but this beautiful girl seemed unusually well behaved. I mean, between her crazy gorgeous face and sweet little personality I couldn't help but wonder, "Does this girl ever get in trouble? How do I get one of these?" As if I wasn't desperate enough to have a little girl next, sweet Miah made it official. So B. Welty if you're reading this: I want one just like her^. Thanks.

I really need to start explaining to all my clients that there are certain locations that look much better in pictures. At the end as I was showing them some shots that we had taken, Joyce said, "Wow you really made this location look much better in pictures!" Oops! Guess I should have explained that the random field on the side of the road actually has perfect overgrown grass. Or that the trees have the perfect hue of yellow. Or that the weird patches will make for great bokeh. So I guess I should warn future clients: If you're nervous that I've lost my mind taking you to a weird location, I promise there's a purpose and it'll look amazing in your pictures :) (By the way, Joyce was amazing about it, I don't know if she had many doubts but I hope she loves these photos as much as I do!)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello. Where in QC is this? Thanks